Downloadable Learnings
Volunteering in Sport as a Route into Work
ABC partnered with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to carry out a pilot project whereby 10 young people regarded as ‘furthest away from the jobs market’ would be recruited and deployed into a sports volunteering opportunity alongside a 6-week traineeship at Sandwell College.
Professional Indemnity Insurance
Tackling inactivity involves working closely with underrepresented groups to remove the barriers that prevent behaviour change. Whilst this can involve a large-scale system-wide approach over an extended period of time, there is also a need to monitor internal processes and identify any areas of unnecessary red-tape that hinder efforts to reach and engage with different communities. ABC recognise that there is a need to work with organisations who have genuine reach into inactive groups. Part of this approach has meant tailoring our requirements to work with new groups without compromising minimum standards.