Creating an Active Black Country - a strategy to unite the Black Country to create active, healthier people and places - read more

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Stakeholder Engagement

We are clear about our role as an ‘enabling’ organisation, performing in a strategic role, facilitating effective and deep collaboration between the four Black Country local authorities, communities, public, private, charitable and voluntary sector organisations.

The partnership seeks to co-ordinate joint working, where it adds most value, to tackle physical inactivity and get more people playing sport. Our priorities reflect the need to understand the regions communities and residents, connect and collaborate to align strategic priorities and influence policy and investment, ensuring sport and physical activity is placed on key agendas and is more visible in transformational discussions across health, economic regeneration and education.

To advance this, we have sought to build a greater breadth of relationships with ‘non-traditional’ partners, backed by strong intelligence and insight, across our 4 priority themes, the below links provide examples;

  • Education
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Communities
  • Workforce, Skills & Employment

We have refocused how we can both deliver and influence through others, and understand how we should focus our efforts on building, accessing and developing partners who can apply interventions which can tackle and address the scale of the inactivity barriers across the Black Country. Central to our approach is our ability to answer the below questions;

  1. What is our purpose – overall ambition?
  2. What we are seeking to achieve short term and long term?
  3. Who are we working with to achieve it?
  4. What difference will we have made?
  5. How will this be measured?
  6. What will we learn?

We seek to gather the insight and learnings generated to have greater influence across policy, strategy, resource and investment. 


Timely data and learnings in relation to physical activity and sport in the Black Country and the added value we can offer.

Read more about the Insight Hub

Our Black Country Water Safety Programme has had a big impact since launching. Access our free resources for schools to increase the number of children who are water safe and boost their enjoyment of swimming.

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Resources and training material to support the Black Country sport & physical activity workforce.

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