About Us
Active Black Country creates and maximises opportunities for local people to find it easier to be physically active, move more and play sport
Creating an Active Black Country
A strategy to unite the Black Country to create active, healthier people and places.
Who We Are
We believe that being active has the power to improve people’s lives, that it is everyone’s right to be active and play sport
Meet our Team
Do you want to contact the team? Find out who is best for you to talk to here.
We’re committed to ensuring that we define and embed robust governance arrangements which enable us to work to the highest standards across our organisation.
Measures of Success
View our approach to performance management and see how we robustly evidence our impact.
Stakeholder Engagement
We seek to co-ordinate joint working where it adds most value, to tackle physical inactivity and get more people playing sport.
Timely data and learnings in relation to physical activity and sport in the Black Country and the added value we can offer.
Get your school involved in our free programme to increase the number of children who are water safe and boost their enjoyment of swimming.
Resources and training material to support the Black Country sport & physical activity workforce