Creating an Active Black Country - a strategy to unite the Black Country to create active, healthier people and places - read more

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Workforce, Skills and Employment

Lead the development of a 'People Plan' for the Black Country to inspire, motivate and guide others to be active and support the development of sport

Workforce, skills and employment represents one of the key areas of focus for Active Black Country and it's partners. Over the next 2 years, Active Black Country will: 

  1. Ensure all ABC staff are 'people' led and embed high quality people development across all aspects of the local sector's work.
  2. Improve the access and opportunity to work within our sector to everyone.
  3. Build capacity across our local system through providing high quality co-ordination and support to develop a diverse workforce that is demand and employer led.

To read the 'Black Country People Plan' in more detail, click here.

To read 'Creating an Active Black Country' in more detail, click here.

For more information on our work with workforce, please email 

  • People Plan

    The People Plan outlines the key areas that local partners have identified to develop a workforce reflective of the local population

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  • Activation Academy

    A platform to help people of influence tackle inactivity within our communities. You can browse the courses here

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  • Menu of Training

    We provide a range of training opportunities based on the needs of our workforce within the Black Country.

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  • Volunteering

    Find out how you can get involved in volunteering across the Black Country.

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  • Know your Customer

    Our interactive coaching aide that can help coaches design and deliver quality sessions.

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  • Workforce News

    Keep up to date with all the latest news suitable for the sport & physical activity workforce across the Black Country.

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Timely data and learnings in relation to physical activity and sport in the Black Country and the added value we can offer.

Read more about the Insight Hub


Get your school involved in our free programme to increase the number of children who are water safe and boost their enjoyment of swimming.

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Resources and training material to support the Black Country sport & physical activity workforce

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