It is well documented that women/girls are less likely to take part in sport and physical activity than their male counterparts. There are practical barriers which prevent women from engaging in physical activity such as time and costs, particularly in terms of young mothers when balancing time away from their family and the additional spend from their household on physical activity. There are also personal barriers around fear of judgement and appearance in terms of self-image and revealing their bodies, particularly with mixed sessions where the opposite sex may be present. Social confidence is also an important barrier as women/girls are less inclined to attend sessions on their own but gain confidence in attending with a friend/group of women of similar level/ability. Another important element for women/girls is concerns around their ability or a fear in being able to live up to expectations of the intensity or technicalities of sessions.
This Girl Can is the nationwide campaign developed by Sport England to get women and girls moving, regardless of shape, size and ability. Click here to view more on the campaign.
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