Creating an Active Black Country - a strategy to unite the Black Country to create active, healthier people and places - read more

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Disability/Long Term Health Conditions

Over half of the Black Country population with a disability or limiting illness are physically inactive.

Research states there are physical, logistical and physiological barriers which prevent disabled people from being active. The psychological barriers refer to the views and opinions of disabled and non-disabled people. They refer to the capabilities of disabled people to take part in activities and the suitability of activities for disabled people.

Ill health often means the loss of independence, social isolation, depression and a range of other long term health conditions. Active Black Country will be supporting the “We Are Undefeatable” national campaign to support the 15 million people who live with one or more long-term health conditions in England. Launched in August 2019, it aims to help those with conditions such as diabetes, cancer, arthritis and Parkinson’s to build physical activity into their lives. The campaign is led by a collaboration of 15 leading health and social care charities and benefits from our expertise and insight, along with National Lottery funding.

Alongside Active Black Country there are a range of organisations working across the West Midlands to provide opportunities for disabled people to take part in sport and physical activity:

English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) exists to make active lives possible. To do this they enable organisations to support disabled individuals to be and stay active. For more information please visit

National Disability Sport Organisations (NDSOs) are a good starting point for many disabled people who want to be more active. They provide advice, support and opportunities for people of all ages with specific impairments.

British Blind Sport provides blind and partially sighted people with opportunities to participate in sport and physical activity. For more information visit or email

Cerebral Palsy Sport supports people with cerebral palsy to reach their full potential through sport and active recreation. For more information visit or email

Dwarf Sports Association UK promotes and provides regular sporting opportunities for people with dwarfism and restricted growth. For more information visit

LimbPower supports amputees and people with limb impairments to find the right sport or leisure activity for their needs and ability. For more information visit

Mencap Sport works with key stakeholders in sport and physical activity so people with a learning disability have the same opportunities to take part in sport and physical activity as everyone else. For more information visit or email

Special Olympics Great Britain provides a year-round sports coaching and competition programme for children and adults with learning disabilities regardless of age or ability. For more information visit or email

UK Deaf Sport encourages people who are deaf and hard of hearing to participate, enjoy and excel at sport. For more information visit or email

WheelPower provides opportunities, facilities and equipment to support disabled people to participate in sport and lead healthy active lives. For more information visit or email

The Activity Alliance exists to make active lives possible. To do this they enable organisations to support disabled individuals to be and stay active. They have a range of resources available to support individuals and organisations designed to help individuals, and organisations who support people with a disability, to be physically active, as does their YouTube channel. To find out more about the Activity Alliance and their vision please visit

Get Yourself Active is led by Disability Rights UK and aims to develop better opportunities for people with a disability to get active. They have produced guidance on how to get active using your personal budget or personal health budget as well as providing further resource & contact information on other ways to get active. For more information visit

Sport England have produced a range a resources to support organisations plan effective programmes by better knowing the audience. To view this please visit

The BBC has also put together guidance on How to get into Disability Sport

Active Black Country Activity Finder can be used to find local sports club and activities happening across the Black Country with an option to search for clubs/activities that have indicated they cater for certain disabilities.

Find your nearest Inclusive Fitness Initiative (IFI) gym. The Inclusive Fitness Initiative supports leisure centres to become more welcoming and accessible.

Parasport is a web based signposting tool run by the British Paralympic Association to provide information to disabled people who want to play sport, whether recreationally or competitively.

Find a Guide has been created by British Blind Sport & England Athletics to support people with visual impairment start, get back to or continue running. All guide runners have all attended a Sight Loss Awareness & Guide Running workshop and are DBS checked.

If you have any questions for us or you would like to know more about the Inclusion and Diversity Forums then please contact


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