Creating an Active Black Country - a strategy to unite the Black Country to create active, healthier people and places - read more

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Facility Finder

The go-to place to find sport and physical activity facilities in the Black Country

ABC recently launched the Black Country Moving website. The activity finder, which is free to use, will encourage people – of all abilities - to get active in their local streets and parks, in schools, faith centres and traditional leisure centres covering activity from walking to swimming to group sports and exercise classes. The platform will help local people navigate from their doors to the place of the activity either on foot, by bike or public transport as well as signposting to online activities, making getting active accessible to all.

An additional feature of this platform is the ability to search and find facilities as well as activities where residents can be active. Please visit the website at for further information.

Facility Finder


Timely data and learnings in relation to physical activity and sport in the Black Country and the added value we can offer.

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Get your school involved in our free programme to increase the number of children who are water safe and boost their enjoyment of swimming.

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Resources and training material to support the Black Country sport & physical activity workforce

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