Creating an Active Black Country - a strategy to unite the Black Country to create active, healthier people and places - read more

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Strategies and Plans

Take a look and download the following strategies and plans: 

Produced by Active Black Country

Active Black Country Annual Review 2016 - 2017

Helping You Get Fit for Business 2017

Towards an Active Black Country 2017 - Full Document

Towards an Active Black Country 2017 -Executive Summary

Sector Skills Action Plan 2016

Primary PE & Sport Premium 2017

Must Should Could for Primary Schools November 2018

Know Your Customer 2017

Your Coaching Journey 2017

Cradle to the Grave - Children & Young People

Cradle to the Grave - Adults

Using Cradle to the Grave Evidence Base - A Case Study

Black Country BeActive Partnership - 2014-15 Annual Review

Sport England Resources

Playing Fields Policy and Guidance (published March 2018)

Active Lives Adult Survey November 16 - 17 (published March 2018)

Active Lives Adult Survey May 16 - 17

Active Lives Volunteering Report May 16 - 17

Towards an Active Nation

Active Lives Survey 2015-16

Insight - Go Where Women Are

Volunteering in an Active Nation

Clubmark Report 2014

Sportivate Year 6 - 6 month Report

Sportivate Timeline Case Study

Sportivate Lessons Learnt

Satellite Club Guidance

Sport Makers Evaluation Final Report

Sport England - Active Design (video)

Sport England - The 10 Principles of Active Design (video)

Activity Alliance Resources

EFDS - Roadmap to Supporting More Disabled People to Be Active 2017

EFDS - Engaging Disabled People - The Guide

EFDS - Engaging Disabled People - The Research

EFDS - Mapping Disability - The Facts

EFDS Inclusive Communications Guide

Access for All (November 2015)

Fit as a Fiddle - Delivering Physical Activity for Older Disabled People

Let's Get Active - A Guide to Physical Activity and Sport for People with a Learning Disability

British Blind Sport - Who are We

Cerebral Palsy Sport - Who are We

Dwarf Sports Association UK - Who are We

English Learning Disability Sports Alliance - Who are We

LimbPower - Who are We

UK Deaf Sport - Who are We

WheelPower - Who are We

Being Active - An Everyday Guide for People Living with an Impairment or Health Condition

Deliverer Perceptions Research Report - January 2019

Other Resources

Sport and Recreation Alliance - The Heart of an Active Nation - Our Strategy 2017-21

HM Government Sporting Future - A New Strategy for an Active Nation - Dec 2015

National Children's Bureau - Working Together to Reduce Childhood Obesity May 2017

StreetGames - Insight into Action - Lessons of the Doorstep Sport Club Programme 2013 - 2017

UK Coaching - Promoting Good Mental Health through Coaching (video animation) - 2017

Get Set to Go Programme Evaluation Summary 2014 - 2017

West Midlands on the Move - West Midlands Combined Authority Physical Activity Strategy 2017 - 30

British Rowing - Inclusive Club Guide March 2018


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Resources and training material to support the Black Country sport & physical activity workforce

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