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Another chance for Wolverhampton to Get Active

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Another chance for Wolverhampton to Get Active

When a free physical activity programme was launched earlier this summer, high levels of interest meant not everyone could take part. Now there’s another chance for Wolverhampton residents to get active and build fitness, supported and encouraged through a free smartphone app.

WV Gets Active is a free six-week exercise programme, delivered in collaboration between City of Wolverhampton Council and Active Black Country. It works on a mobile phone app and challenges users to build up their exercise, at a pace that suits them, to feel fitter and healthier.

When it was launched in Wolverhampton earlier this year more than 500 people expressed an interest in getting involved. Due to such demand, a second programme is now being launched, to give more people the motivation and support to get active and maintain their physical activity.

WV Gets Active is completely free and tailored to individual fitness and activity levels. It challenges users to increase their exercise, promoting lifestyle change and making regular exercise a part of everyday routine.

The programme enables participants to track their progress over six weeks with the goal of reaching 30 minutes of exercise each day.

Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing, said:

For a lot of people, lockdowns have meant more time spent indoors, with limited opportunity or motivation to exercise and get active. WV Gets Active is a great way to increase activity levels and get more exercise. It is focused on walking and challenges users to build up activity gradually over the six-week programme, from less than 30 minutes exercise a week, to 30 minutes a day. It’s free, and all you need is a smartphone and a comfortable pair of shoes.”

Before the Covid-19 pandemic struck, activity levels in Wolverhampton were below the national average, with more than a third of the adult population of the city doing less than thirty minutes of physical activity a week. Lockdowns and reduced access to sports facilities has meant that getting regular exercise has been even more difficult for some people. No special equipment is needed.

The app features local walks, activities and ideas to encourage users, so people just need a comfortable pair of shoes and a smartphone to take part.

WV Gets Active is open to anyone over the age of 18 living in Wolverhampton who is not currently doing 30 minutes of physical activity each week. Places are limited and allocated in order of registration.

To find out more, and apply for the free WV Gets Active programme, visit

The closing date to apply is Sunday 15 August with the first programme starting on Monday 23 August.

The WV Gets Active programme is being delivered in partnership between City of Wolverhampton Council and Active Black Country, with joint funding provided by the Local Government Association. The programme and app have been developed by The Behaviouralist.


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