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Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Athletes' Village Phase Two planning consent secured

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Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Athletes' Village Phase Two planning consent secured

West Midlands Mayor Andy Street today welcomed news that Birmingham City Council’s planning committee has approved proposals for the second phase of regeneration in Perry Barr.

The 12.84 hectare site would accommodate 400-500 new homes, associated public open space and a new secondary school for 1,260 pupils.

The area, between Holford Drive and Aldridge Road in Perry Barr, is adjacent to the site of the former Birmingham City University Campus – already being redeveloped as the residential element of Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Village.

It is planned to then convert the site to provide 1,400 new homes post-Games (phase one of the Perry Barr regeneration scheme).

The Phase Two site approved today will only come forward for development after the Games, as it will initially form part of the Athletes’ Village, accommodating a number of Games-time facilities such as the athletes’ dining hall and other temporary services.

The Mayor said:

“I am delighted to see the plans progressing and we are proud of the part the West Midlands Combined Authority has played, not only in securing funding to develop the land initially for the Commonwealth Games, but also to regenerate this area for generations to come."

When developed as around 500 homes, it is intended approximately 90 per cent of the properties across the site will be 2, 3, 4 or 5-bed houses. Finer and exact details will be brought forward in the coming years as detailed applications are prepared for consideration.

In addition, the existing Doug Ellis Sports Centre and associated all-weather pitch, currently at the heart of the Phase Two site, will be retained.

More broadly, the area will also benefit from a number of transport improvements and improvements to Perry Barr railway station. Separately, proposals for a revamped Alexander Stadium are also going through the planning process.

In total, in excess of £0.5billion of new investment is proposed for the local area, long-identified as an area in need of regeneration through various planning strategy documents.

Ultimately some 5,000 new homes are set to be constructed in this area of north-west Birmingham, helping meet the city’s need for 51,000 extra homes in the period between 2017 and 2031, as detailed in the Birmingham Development Plan.

The DfE-funded secondary school and sixth form, Prince Albert High School, is forecast to open in 2021 as part of the Prince Albert Community Trust family of schools, subject to the reserved matters planning application for the scheme being approved in due course.

Cllr Ian Ward, Leader of Birmingham City Council, said:

“This is the next vital stage in a regeneration project that will transform Perry Barr, as we deliver the housing, infrastructure and jobs that will support our young and growing population.

“As a thriving city, this second phase of the wider regeneration of Perry Barr will help achieve our aim of enhancing the area, providing a better neighbourhood for all living locally.

“This scheme will undoubtedly build on the solid progress we have achieved on Phase One and further cement the legacy that the city council secures from its decision to back the bid to bring the Commonwealth Games to Birmingham.”

Waheed Nazir, Director of Inclusive Growth at Birmingham City Council, added:

“This is another significant milestone passed for the regeneration of Perry Barr.

“The success is securing outline planning consent clearly demonstrates the vision, can-do approach and determination that everyone involved with the project has for ensuring that north west Birmingham is improved and becomes a better place for existing and new residents.

“We look forward to continuing our collaborative approach when developing detailed plans for this site in the years following the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.”

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