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Black Country Primary School Championed in Regional Awards

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Black Country Primary School Championed in Regional Awards

Three primary schools from across the West Midlands have been recognised for the excellent work that they are doing using their Primary PE and Sport Premium funding through awards which are linked to national partners.

The awards recognise schools that have endeavoured to provide improved outcomes for pupils using the Primary PE and Sport Premium grant.

The six Active Partnerships from across the West Midlands held their own nomination process earlier this year to determine their respective winners.

Each of these winners were then put forward to a regional panel which judged the nominations in each of the three categories.

The regional winners are:

Category: Up Skilling Staff
Award Winner: Dame Ellen Pinsent School, Birmingham

The school has developed a programme to help the children to improve their gross and fine motor skills. Working with a specialist Occupational Therapist and Physio they developed a programme specifically for the school, called the Theralympics.

The programme is based on 5 areas – Body; Brain; Build; Ball; Balance. The 5 areas are differentiated and involved several different tasks so it is accessible to all children regardless of their ability.

All staff were upskilled through a whole school training day and further support was given in class when the Physio and OT worked with the children.

The staff are now running Theralympics for their class either once a week or 10 minutes every day. Class teachers have commented on the difference it is making on the child’s basic every day skills and in the behaviour of children in the playground at lunchtimes.

The Theralympics programme is a key aspect of school development and all children will continue to have access to Theralympics throughout their time at Dame Ellen Pinsent.

Category: Physical Activity and Health Enhancing Initiatives
Winner: John Wheeldon Primary Academy, Stafford

The school became motivated to develop a healthy lives programme for their pupils in response to the results of the 2017/18 national childhood weight management programme.

The data showed that the school held a higher than national average for children classed as overweight or obese. By utilising the Primary Premium and School Sport funding and working in partnership with Accelerate Learning, a programme was put in place based on 4 focus areas: active learning and meeting the 30:30 target, active travel, healthy eating and whole school health and fitness.

A whole school approach was taken with the PE lead and other staff members attending training and then putting in to place actions to develop a healthy and happy school.

Pupils have said they really enjoy their active Maths and English lessons and teachers have commented that children are calmer and more able to focus in lessons as well as experiencing less disruption in lessons.

Category: Whole School Improvement
Winner: St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School, Wolverhampton

In 2014 less than 2% of pupils participated in extra-curricular sport activities at school, with 9% of pupils participating in sports activities and clubs outside school. The school implemented a number of changes.

This included a member of staff being given a responsibility post for PE and Sport in school, parents were surveyed to determine the children’s interests and what they would like to take part in.

Sports coaches were employed working on specific targets at lunch times linked to Age Related Expectations, and pupils were trained to become Sports Ambassadors to aid and lead younger children’s learning.

Fixed term exclusions and recorded behaviour incidents have fallen drastically over a 3 year period, with a three-year increase in children achieving age related expectations in PE.

The school has achieved the Gold School Sports Award and a new dance and gymnastics curriculum has been written linking in to topics across school. The school ensures not only do they improve children’s physical development with high quality PE and sport but also their intellectual, social and emotional development through empathy, teamwork, cooperation and leadership, teaching children the skills needed for an active healthy lifestyle.

Furthermore, the schools Jigsaw PSHE scheme of work has helped develop and nurture children’s emotional health and well-being setting children up for healthy adulthood perpetuating a cycle of well-being and important lifelong skills.

Ian Carey, Active Black Country Director, said:

Congratulations to the pupils, teachers, parents and families at St Andrews on winning the regional award. Being active and playing sport can have a hugely positive impact on pupils’ confidence, resilience and happiness. In turn contributing to whole school outcomes. It is vital we shine a light on St Andrews and other schools who are adopting a similar approach, to spread the message of the power of sport and being active."

To find out more about the Black Country Primary PE & Sport Premium click here.


Photo caption: Cassie McCalliog from St Andrew's Primary School and Dawn Jones, SGO Wolverhampton - trophy handmade by Allister Malcolm in Stourbridge Glass Quarter

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