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First wave of finalists announced for eagerly anticipated UK Coaching Awards

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First wave of finalists announced for eagerly anticipated UK Coaching Awards

UK Coaching is today (22 October) delighted to reveal the first selection of finalists for the UK Coaching Awards 2019.

The prestigious showpiece event, which is to be held at The Tower Hotel London on the 5 December 2019, will celebrate the outstanding work of a diverse network of coaches who promote healthy and active lives, unlock potential and provide a platform for people to thrive.

From a record amount of nominations, an expert judging panel has carefully deliberated and selected the following finalists for four of the 12 award categories.

Awards for Coaches

The following categories will be awarded to coaches:

Changing Lives Award 
- Ben Lampert (football)
- Cathy Fox (cycling)
- Joe Lockley (boxing)

Talent Development Coach of the Year
- Danielle Brayson (swimming)
- Matthew Handley (martial arts)
- Mick Maguire (boxing)

Awards in Support of Coaches

The following categories will be awarded in support of coaches:

Coach Developer of the Year
Nick Ruddock (gymnastics)
- Rhodri Lloyd (multi-sport)
- Sue Ringrose (equestrian)

Transforming Coaching Award
- Archery GB Coach Development Team
- Great Britain Hockey Coach Development Offer
- Scottish Disability Sport

UK Coaching’s Director of Coaching Emma Atkins, said:

The UK Coaching Awards is a true highlight of the year, giving us an opportunity to formally celebrate great coaches from a diverse range of backgrounds and thank them for all of the incredible work they do.

Over three million people regularly coach across the UK, from grassroots to elite level, helping to create and maintain happy and healthy lives, and benefit communities. Coaches have the power to enrich the skills of the people they work with.

This year we have added the Changing Lives Award, which recognises coaches who are empowering, inspiring and connecting people from diverse communities to overcome life challenges.

It is a category which illustrates the way in which coaches can transform lives. I would like to offer huge congratulations to all of those who have been nominated for the first four awards.

The standard of nominations we received this year was extraordinary, demonstrating the strength of coaching in the UK.

Thank you to all our coaches across the UK, and to our finalists.

We are all looking forward to celebrating your achievements in December.”

For this year’s Awards, UK Coaching reviewed and redesigned its nominations process to ensure all coaches, from grassroots to the global stage, had the greatest chance of being recognised.

This included:

  • consulting with key partners to redevelop award categories and criteria to recognise the wide-ranging work that coaches do at all levels and in all communities
  • providing extra online guidance to support people when writing their nominations
  • engaging with more organisations than ever before to promote the value of nominating coaches for the Awards

This proactive work led to a record number of nominations being submitted after the process was opened in July.

Finalists for the final eight awards will be announced in November, including The Great Coaching Moment of the Year prize. This will be shortlisted by the Sports Journalists’ Association and will be open to a public vote.

The UK Coaching Awards recognise and reward great coaching from a diverse array of backgrounds. Previous winners range from coaches and organisations working at an elite level to those making a huge difference in their community.

Tickets and tables are still available – to secure your place, visit:


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