Local Football Facility Plans Community Engagement Tender
Active Black Country, as the Active Partnership (AP) for the Black Country, has secured investment from Sport England to contract a community engagement specialist to undertake an innovative piece of work linked to Local Football Facility Plans (LFFP).
The Local Football Facility Plans have identified a number of priority projects across the Black Country, the projects are situated in some of the most deprived communities and we want to develop our understanding of the projects and community need.
To support this, Active Black Country are seeking to appoint a consultant to work alongside the identified small sided priority projects to ascertain the needs of their audiences and to develop a set of proposals which have a clear line of sight to facility investment.
Download the tender document here.
The deadline for Tender responses is 12pm, Friday 13th March 2020.
Please submit all tenders to daniel_allen@blackcountryconsortium.co.uk
If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to get in touch with Dan on the email above, or call 01384 471136.
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