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New safeguarding chair appointed

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New safeguarding chair appointed

The board, made up of representatives from Dudley Council, West Midlands Police, Dudley Clinical Commissioning Group and the local voluntary sector, brings partners together to work collaboratively to safeguard vulnerable children and adults across Dudley borough.

Paul Kingston will chair the Board providing independent support and scrutiny, working with partners to ensure effective safeguarding of vulnerable people and also to deliver the longer term ambition of the partnership.

Paul has a vast amount of experience to bring to the role having previously held a similar position in Wigan and being the current chair of the NHS England Safeguarding Adults National Network.

He spent much of his early career in nursing before moving onto become a university lecturer, successively being appointed Professor of Primary Health Care at the University of Wolverhampton, Professor of Health and Social care at Stafford University, and most recently Professor of Ageing and Mental Health at the University of Chester.

Councillor Patrick Harley, leader of Dudley Council, said:

"We’re really pleased to welcome Paul and the vast knowledge and experience he brings to this role.

"As partners we are all committed to taking action to protect our most vulnerable children, young people and adults. With Paul’s support and guidance we can only strengthen our working practices further and continue to improve outcomes for the people we are trying to help.

Paul will be the voice of the partners and will ensure we all continue to make decisions, which are in the best interests of local people."

Sally Bourner, Chief Superintendent for Dudley Police, said:

"Our safeguarding arrangements build on a strong foundation of partnership working and reflect our shared commitment to Dudley Borough being a place of healthy, resilient, safe communities with high aspirations and the ability of people to shape their own future.

"Together we have a strong commitment to intervening early to prevent harm with a priority focus on tackling violence and the exploitation of vulnerable children, young people and adults. For example involvement in gangs, county lines, criminal exploitation and financial scams.

"Paul’s appointment is a vital next step in developing and delivering our partnership ambition to safeguard vulnerable people."

Caroline Brunt, Chief Nurse for Dudley Clinical Commissioning Group, said:

"These new safeguarding arrangements build positively on our existing collaborations. From a health perspective the CCG are committed to working with partners to improve the health, wellbeing and outcomes for the citizens of Dudley.

"Paul will bring important knowledge, skills and expertise to the partnership and we look forward to working with him to deliver our strategic safeguarding ambition."

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