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The Value of Volunteering

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The Value of Volunteering

Via Sport England

The millions of people who give up their time every week are the foundations of all sport played in England .

It’s Volunteers’ Week and the perfect time to say thank you to the millions of people who give up their time to help others get active.

More than six million people regularly volunteer around sport in England and they play a huge role in ensuring taking part in physical activity is a happy and enjoyable experience.

Kristen Stephenson, Sport England's Head of Volunteering, hailed those whose effort and enthusiasm provided the foundations for all sport in this country:

They help make people feel welcome, ensure people have a good time and bring a really unique feel to big events. It’s often the volunteers that really make the day and shape the experience for those taking part. The theme for Volunteers’ Week this year is Volunteering For All, so we’re also encouraging all organisations to consider how they can make volunteering in sport and physical activity more inclusive and share examples of good practice to inspire others. We want everyone to be able to get involved in volunteering and experience the benefits; from developing their skills to improving their mental wellbeing. This is a great time to showcase the exciting range of ways people can get involved and help people find a volunteering opportunity that suits them, whatever their background.”

Benefits of Volunteering
Society tends to think of volunteering as something people do for the benefit of others. Whether it's marshalling a fun run, managing money, driving people from A to B (and back) or even washing the muddy kit on a Sunday afternoon, it’s always been those taking part that everyone focuses on. However, there are many benefits for the individual too. Volunteering can be a hugely rewarding experience and gives back in many other ways Volunteers are happier: People who volunteer in sport often feel a sense of pride and say that their life has a sense of purpose They meet new people: Volunteering in sport is a great way to make new friends and connections. Volunteers at a sports club often work as part of a team of volunteers. A shared love of sport often leads to new friendships It’s a great way to develop new skills: Volunteering can help to improve current skills or develop new ones. Different roles will offer different opportunities. Some clubs might also offer you training to develop new skills that will help the volunteer in their role.

Volunteering Explained
To give volunteers and recruiters all the support they need, we’ve compiled a comprehensive question and answer section that covers everything from how to find opportunities, to getting the most out of volunteering.

Volunteering explained

Volunteering Opportunities Near You
You can Join in and volunteer in sport via the free Volunteer Opportunity Finder. You can search by postcode, Open in a new window skills, or location to find opportunities in your area.

Be Inspired also has information about how you can get involved help out across a variety of sports.

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