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Primary PE and Sport Premium

The provision of Primary PE and Sport Premium funding, specifically to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport schools offer, demonstrates the importance placed on PE & school sport by Government.

Click here for ideas on how you can use your funding.

Where schools choose to take part in an active mile, you should use your existing playgrounds, fields, halls and sports facilities to incorporate an active mile into the school day and develop a lifelong habit of daily physical activity.

The premium can be used to fund the professional development and training that are available to schools to train staff to support high quality swimming and water safety lessons for their pupils.

The premium may also be used to provide additional top-up swimming lessons to pupils who have not been able to meet the national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety after the delivery of core swimming and water safety lessons. At the end of key stage 2 all pupils are expected to be able to swim confidently and know how to be safe in and around water.

Ofsted assesses how primary schools use the primary PE and sport premium. They measure its impact on pupil outcomes, and how effectively governors hold school leaders to account for this.

The DFE will sample a number of schools in each local authority to review what they have published on their use of the funding and their swimming attainment. Schools are expected to spend the grant for the purpose it was provided only; to make additional and sustainable improvements to the PE, sport and physical activity offered.

Key Links/Resources:

For information on the latest tool for Primary schools to track and improve physical activity levels in their pupils please visit the Active Schools Planner.

Update: 10/10/17

In response to questions from members and sector colleagues, afPE has created a new support document which highlights extracts from the Ofsted Section 5 handbook that identify key areas that inspectors should ask schools regarding their use of Primary PE and Sport Premium funding. The next major change of the handbook is in 2019.

In addition, afPE has put together (page two) additional Primary PE and Sport Premium related questions that Ofsted inspectors may ask schools. We would also suggest that if you have examples of good practice relating to these areas, you show them to the Inspector. Click HERE to download a copy of the support document.

Further information regarding the Primary PE and Sport Premium, including resources and supporting guidance can also be found at:


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