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26 May 2020
Home workouts
Let’s Scooby Dooby do it!!
Sensory warm up with Velma (video) - Listen to the theme tune whilst popping bubbles/ keeping a balloon up in the air. (This can be done standing or sitting)
Time for Step ups with Shaggy - Can you use a pillow and step on and off for 1 minute.
Challenge- Star jumps
Adaption- Star jumps on the floor (snow angels)
Dance with Daphne (video) - Can you follow the dance?
Relax with Scooby!
Can you lie still and relax lying down with the light off and listening to your favourite calm song.
30th March 2020
Sensory Circuits and PE Challenges
Iain Mills of Parkside School (Inclusion School – Norfolk) is delivering a daily video
Sensory Circuits daily at 9:30am
PE Challenges at 11:45am
This week, Dudley SGO Katie Jones has identified has identified ways you can keep active at home:
Take a look - Get Active at Home
Take a look - Yoga for Kids
Take a look - Adapted Games Activities for Home <
6 May 2020
Here are some ideas from Oak National Academy:
Oak National Academy: Keeping Healthy at Home (Speech and language Therapy)
Oak National Academy: Personal Identity (Communication and Language)
Oak National Academy: Dance the Charleston (building Understanding)
22 April 2020
Flamingo Chicks
Inclusive Space Dance Class
22 April 2020
Flamingo Chicks
Inclusive Cinderella Potions Dance Class
6 April 2020
Video - Motor Activity Training Programme (MATP) – Striking
6 April 2020
Video - Motor Activity Training Programme (MATP) – Mobility
6 April 2020
Video - Motor Activity Training Programme (MATP) – Kicking
Relay Collection - How fast can you collect 10 items? Spread 10 items out at least 5 large steps away from your starting point.
How long does it take to collect the items 1 at a time, returning to the starting point? Try to beat your time each attempt or work as a team with someone a home
Think about: Ways you can move to collect items, what different forms of travel can you do?
How many different ways can you carry or balance the items to return them?
Explore: If you are outside, how many different items can you find? Try to find different shapes and sizes.
11 May 2020
Some fun Boccia activities to have a go at. But first take a look here at the equipment needed to be able to play at home.
Boccia Hoop Challenge
Boccia Skittle Challenge
Boccia Balloon Challenge
13 April 2020
Can you be like Captain Tom? Take a look at the challenge here.
11 May 2020
A fun Boccia activity to have a go at. But first take a look here at the equipment needed to be able to play at home.
Boccia Game
1 April 2020
SLD/PMLD Home Engagement - Child's choice: Find one of each colour and let them choose which colour. That colour will be the exercise they do that day.
Download the Exercises
Download the Communication Sheet

Timely data and learnings in relation to physical activity and sport in the Black Country and the added value we can offer.
Our Black Country Water Safety Programme has had a big impact since launching. Access our free resources for schools to increase the number of children who are water safe and boost their enjoyment of swimming.

Resources and training material to support the Black Country sport & physical activity workforce.