Use the links below to access the resources you require:
Key Stage 2 Resources

1st June 2020
Snakes and Ladders Skills - take a look!
26 May 2020
Primary Skills Snakes and Ladders - find out more here.
20 April 2020
Move Crew from ukactive and Nike
Week One - “Power of the Team”
15th June 2020
England Athletics - Funetics
An athletics-based cross-curricular resource for keeping fit and learning in a home environment.
Download the resource pack here
Worksheet 5.1 Literacy
8th June 2020
This weeks challenges come from the Dudley SGO's:
22nd May 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 25: Directions through Dance
22nd May 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 24: Gym Shapes and Travel
18th May 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 22: Treasure Chest
18 May 2020
Active Learning: Jumping Bingo
Create your bingo board using pen and paper or chalk and away you go!
Active learning: Times Table Squats
You don’t need any equipment for this one!
15 May 2020
Active Heart Rates, as many Schools have had to miss out on the Health and Wellbeing sessions that would of been delivered this term this is a great resource that links into that.
Learn how to find your pulse and track your heart rate during activity.
15th May 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 21: Basic Shapes in Gymnastics
13th May 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 20: Lily Pad Jump
11th May 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 19: Throwing Techniques
8th May 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 18: Reaction Wall
6th May 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 17: Five to One
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 16: Horizontal Climbing
1st May 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 15: Striking for Distance
30 April 2020
Active Maths - The Tuck Shop
Using exercise as a method of payments for snacks throughout the day. Work out what or the amount of exercises you will have to do to burn off your chosen snacks.
Tuck Shop download
Blank Tuck Shop download
29 April 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 14: Sock Wars
28 April 2020
PE Activities for Home Schooling for Key Stage 2+3 (supplied by the Dorset School Games team) - Take a look here.
27 April 2020
Wolves Foundation
A range of resources linked to the National Curriculum and designed for pupils aged 7-11, in key stage 2.
Take a look at the resources here.
27 April 2020
How the Body Works
With so many different challenges and activities out there, Walsall SGO Lee Sanders has created some worksheets that can work as a simple log for activity but also has the opportunity to get people thinking about how the body is actually working during the activity.
Overview Document
Activity Sheet
27 April 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 13: Creative Movement
24 April 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 12: Agility and Throws
22 April 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 11: Catching
21 April 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 10: Flat Target Accuracy
17 April 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 9: Agility
15 April 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 8: King of the Cones
13 April 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 7: Agility
10 April 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 6: Jumping in Combination
8 April 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 5: Balloon Blasting
6 April 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 4: Rock and Roll Gymnastics
3 April 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 3: Throwing for Accuracy
1 April 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 2: Footwork Patterns
30 March 2020
#ThisIsPE Video - Lesson 1: Co-ordination with Ball Skills
22nd June 2020
Battle of the Black Country
#NSSW Overview
#NSSW Image
Personal Challenges (made up of 5 activities)
Virtual Tri Golf (made up of 5 challenges, with adaptations that anyone can do)
15th June 2020
England Athletics - Funetics
An athletics-based cross-curricular resource for keeping fit and learning in a home environment.
Download the resource pack here
Worksheet 5.1 Literacy
8th June 2020
A range of activities from Dudley SGO's:
Sock basket challenge
Head Shoulder Knees and Toes Challenge
Slam Ball
High 5 Challenge
Tap Up challenge
Around the World
Catch and Clap
Speed Bounce Challenge
Step Ups Challenge
Tuck In Tuck Out Challenge
This week we have an Agility Challenge, brilliant to do outside with the fantastic weather this week. Watch the video here.
Relay Collection - How fast can you collect 10 items? Spread 10 items out at least 5 large steps away from your starting point.
How long does it take to collect the items 1 at a time, returning to the starting point? Try to beat your time each attempt or work as a team with someone a home
Think about: Ways you can move to collect items, what different forms of travel can you do?
How many different ways can you carry or balance the items to return them?
Explore: If you are outside, how many different items can you find? Try to find different shapes and sizes.
11 May 2020
Throw and Catch! Take a look here.
Another challenge from Streetly SGO Lee Sanders - Using a ball or rolled up sock, simply throw the ball above your head and catch it!
How many times can you do this in 30 seconds?
Can you do this on the move?
Set out a space 5 large steps apart, how many laps can you do?
Challenge yourself:
-Throw the ball with one hand and catch it in the other. Add a clap in or see how many claps you can add in before catching the ball.
Think about: What sports would use this sort of skill?
7 May 2020
Reaction Time!
Leah Goode: Eastfield Primary School
Leah provides another challenge this week to complete.
Grab some objects from the house and see how fast you are?
28 April 2020
Target Practice! - Leah Goode: Eastfield Primary School, Wolverhampton. Leah provides a new challenge to complete around the house. How did you get on?
27 April 2020
Rebound Catch! Walsall SGO Lee Sanders has produced another challenge this week on coordination.
Standing 1 large step away from a wall, how many times can you throw a ball (or a rolled up sock) off the wall and catch it in 30 seconds?
To challenge yourself:
-Take 2-3 steps away from the wall
- only use 1 hand to catch the ball
- use your weaker hand to throw/catch the ball. What sports is this type of practise so important in? Why?
27 April 2020
This week Dudley SGO Katie Jones has identified a range of activities and challenges to complete around the house:
Take a look - Stork Balance challenge
Take a look - Plank challenge
Take a look - Squat Thrust
Take a look - Star Jumps
Take a look - Baby Shark
Take a look - Sock Ladder
Take a look - Speed Bounce
Take a look - Sock challenge
23 April 2020
Coordination and Balance Challenges
Wolverhampton SGO Dawn Jones provides a range of challenges to complete around the house that will improve your balance and coordination. How many can you do?
Click here to view the video.
20 April 2020
The School Games Active Championships is a national activity campaign to help young people across the UK to #StayInWorkOut using the video-based platform powered by TopYa!. New challenges will be available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to engage with.
20 April 2020
Weekly Challenge - The Zig Zag Run
All you need for this is 5 objects you can use to run around.
Set them out in a Zig Zag shape about 5 steps apart.
Starting at the first object, how many times can you touch each object in 30 seconds?
Think about:
-Different Types of Movement
-The Muscles used in this activity
-What Sports use this type of movement?
13 April 2020
Can you be like Captain Tom? Take a look at the challenge here.
30 March 2020
Skipping Competition - Why not compete against your friends and family. See who can do the most skips.
Score Sheet
30 March 2020
Skipping Challenge
Grab yourself a skipping rope. How many times can you skip in 30 seconds
The record for this is 108 skips in 30 seconds
Or to challenge yourself to see how long can you go without stopping.
Take a look at this video.
21 May 2021
Covid Safe Sports Day for Primary Schools
1st June 2020
Snakes and Ladders Skills - take a look!
26 May 2020
Primary Skills Snakes and Ladders - find out more here.
18 May 2020
Active Learning: Jumping Bingo
Create your bingo board using pen and paper or chalk and away you go!
Active learning: Times Table Squats
You don’t need any equipment for this one!
30 March 2020
Snakes and Ladders - Key Stage 2 Pupils must start on medium challenge or above
30 March 2020
Eggtravaganza - Find out more here.
30 March 2020
Wellbeing Bingo - Find out more here.

Timely data and learnings in relation to physical activity and sport in the Black Country and the added value we can offer.
Our Black Country Water Safety Programme has had a big impact since launching. Access our free resources for schools to increase the number of children who are water safe and boost their enjoyment of swimming.

Resources and training material to support the Black Country sport & physical activity workforce.