Living an active life is important to being and staying healthy. There is now overwhelming evidence to support the notion that being physically active reduces the risk of developing certain preventable conditions as demonstrated below. The Chief Medical Officer has stated that if physical activity were a drug, we’d talk about it as a miracle cure. Department for Health research into the impact of 150 weekly minutes of moderate intensity exercise support this notion.
Active Black Country are working in partnership with organisations across the health sector, including our Local Authority Public Health teams, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), GP surgeries across our priority areas and the Black Country Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) to ensure that physical activity is at the top of the prevention agenda and is communicated as a viable and affordable option for patients as the pathways for personalised care develop.
Having a good understanding of the necessary levels of intensity and time spent being active is key to ensuring the optimal health and wellbeing benefits are being gained. The guidance regarding how active we should all be varies with age.
If you have any questions for us, or would like further information please email
Graphic taken from CMO Guidelines (Start Active, Stay Active)