Black Country Place Based Pilot: System Change Partner Required

Active Black Country in partnership with the four Black Country Local Authorities and West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) are trialling a Place Based Pilot to Tackling Physical Inactivity.
The exciting pilot, which is funded by Sport England and Black Country Consortium Ltd, aims to trial approaches in local ward areas to tackle physical inactivity.
The pilot will be trialled in 8 wards across the Black Country, with the funding being used to develop a better understanding of residents’ needs, provide additional capacity to implement a community prescribing campaign and expertise to support and develop a framework for place-based change.
We are seeking to create strong links with the priority communities. To understand what is needed to change and develop a network of statutory and non-statutory organisations by knitting together old and new to create a varied and integrated sense of place, making best use of assets within communities to encourage more people to be active and identify with, and feel a sense of ‘belonging’ to their place.
The pilot will seek to develop wider, collaborative partnerships which look at how all parts of a community can better work together to get people active, healthier and happier.
Active Black Country along with the Black Country Local Authorities and WMCA are seeking an organisation(s) to work with them on this exciting pilot;
The following tender is being commissioned as part of the overall Pilot:
For further information please refer to the individual brief, that details the specification for the tender. If you want to discuss the pilot please contact Ian Carey (Director) at Active Black Country; or 01384 471137
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