Black Country Young Coach Academy Open for Applications

The Black Country Young Coach Academy is now open for applications.
The programme will develops a cohort of 25-30 young leaders (16 to 18 years old) who have an interest in or previous experience in either volunteering or leading in sporting activities.
Examples of individuals who we are looking for are those taking up opportunities within school, external school events (such as School Games) or within community settings.
As part of the programme members of the academy will receive a range of training and CPD including team building, CV and employability work, safeguarding and inclusive training through a series of online and face to face (if possible later in the academic year) sessions across the academic year.
This training will be led by a range of experts from across the region and will be tailored to the group’s needs.
There will be no cost for members joining the Black Country Young Coach Academy Programme with the programme developing individuals wider coaching skills rather than sport specific training.
You can download the application form here.
Please note the deadline for applications is Friday 26th February and all completed forms should be returned to
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