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Get Ready for the National Lottery's 25th Birthday

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Get Ready for the National Lottery's 25th Birthday

The National Lottery celebrates its 25th birthday this autumn – a landmark moment to mark the enormous contribution it's made to the lives of people and communities throughout the whole of the UK.

Since the first draw took place on 19 November 1994, more than £40 billion has been raised for good causes in the areas of arts, sport, heritage and community. 

Sport England invest a significant amount of this money in projects, programmes and facilities that help more people to live active lives in England. Without it, much of their work would not be possible.

They'd like their grant recipients who have benefitted from National Lottery funding to get involved in the high-profile campaign this autumn.

The campaign aims to celebrate the incredible difference that National Lottery funding has made – and continues to make – to the lives of people and communities throughout the whole of the UK. 

Here are simple two ways to get involved. 

1) Get creative – share how National Lottery funding has made a difference

The National Lottery has developed a toolkit that contains everything from ideas to key messages to logos and social posts that you and your teams can use to tell the world the difference your funding has made.

It contains easy ways to get involved, hints and tips, so please take a look at the 'How to get involved' section for ideas about how you can get started. 

Please make sure you are using the 25th hashtag: #NationalLottery25 on social media.

Access the Toolkit

2) Take part in Thanks to You

As part of the 25th programme, the National Lottery would like as many sports organisations as possible who have received funding to get involved in the #ThanksToYou campaign.

The principle of the campaign is simple – anyone who visits a National Lottery-funded venue or project and shows a National Lottery ticket is able to access a special offer.  

What your special offer looks like is up to you, and you don’t need to decide just yet, but some possible ideas include: 

  • free entry for all or part of the #ThanksToYou period 
  • arrange an expert talk or a guest panel
  • guided tours of your venue or facility
  • free tickets to an upcoming event
  • a membership offer
  • a day, weekend, or week of activities
  • workshops or lessons
  • advice or taster sessions
  • an offer in your store or restaurant
  • the chance to sit in on a training session.

This year #ThanksToYou will run from 23 November – 1 December.

By registering your interest early, the National Lottery will work with you to make sure your offer reaches new audiences and benefits from the national promotion profile of the 25th birthday celebrations. 

For more information about Thanks to You, and to register to take part, please click here 

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