New Research Shows that Over 12,000 More People are Active across the Black Country
12,600 more people age 16+ across the Black Country are meeting the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines of doing at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity a week, according to new figures released from Sport England’s Active Lives Adult Survey May 2017/18.
The report also shows that inactivity levels - people doing fewer than 30 minutes of activity a week - dropped by 6,700 over the same time period.
The largest decrease in inactivity levels was seen in Wolverhampton where 6,500 fewer people are inactive. In Dudley 1,600 fewer people are inactive and in Sandwell, 4,500 fewer.
The only area with an increase in inactivity levels is Walsall, where 5,900 more people are inactive.
The largest increase in activity levels were seen in Sandwell, where 12,300 more people are active, and we have also seen large improvements in Wolverhampton where 9,800 more people are exercising for more than 150 minutes a week.
However, decreases in activity were seen in Dudley and Walsall, where 4,800 and 4,700 fewer people respectively were classed as active. These changes are great news for Black Country participation levels, however the Black Country as a whole has a way to go to get to national average, where figures equivalent of 79,620 extra people taking part in sport are needed.
Ian Carey, Active Black Country Director said:
There are some positive results here for the Black Country in terms of more people getting active, and I am pleased that we are beginning to see a reduction in inactivity. Whilst overall activity levels are encouraging, the data clearly shows that there remains significant work to do across the Black Country in supporting more regular activity. At Active Black Country we recognise that ‘one size doesn’t fit all’, we have built stronger networks with partners to enable a wider and deeper impact on the inactivity levels across the region, and through working together in partnership we can realise our vision and develop the Black Country as a great place to live, work, learn and play.”
Active Black Country is one of 43 County Sports Partnerships (CSPs) in England working to provide opportunities for people to participate in sport and physical activity across the Black Country.
For further information contact Ian Carey, Active Black Country Director on 01384 471137 or email
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