Towards an Active Black Country Strategic Framework Launched

On Friday 23rd June, the Active Black Country Partnership launched its ‘Towards An Active Black Country’ framework at the annual Black Country School Games Festival.
The strategic framework takes its lead from Sport England’s National strategy and is aligned with the Black Country Strategic Economic Plan headline themes.
The launch included a ‘Call to Action’ aimed at local, regional and national stakeholders to adopt the framework’s principles, values, ways of working and commitment to tackling inactivity.
The Black Country is a diverse region with a unique set of challenges. The correlation between deprivation, participation in sport and physical activity and levels of health inequalities is well defined. ‘Towards an Active Black Country’ outlines the importance of focusing on under-represented groups and the ability of sport and physical activity to have a greater impact on a broader range of socio economic outcomes.
The Framework is driven by values and principles, which are focused on people, organisations and communities. Sport England’s national strategic focus of investing for wider outcomes, strengthens the alignment with the Black Country LEPs Strategic Economic Plan – where Sport and Physical Activity has been recognised as a key enabling sector to support economic growth.
Integration of national and local strategies provides the platform to influence the physical activity and sport agenda at a more strategic level and enables the Black Country and its stakeholders to drive forward a place based solution that can meet some of the challenges the region faces.
If you would like to download a copy of the Executive Summary or the full document, click here to visit our Insight pages.
For more information on the Framework please email Ian Carey.
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