Black Country Business Attitudes towards the European Union

The Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership in conjunction with the West Midlands Economic Forum (WMEF) has been requested by Margot James MP to undertake a survey of Black Country businesses' attitude to the European Union and the potential reform of the UK's relationship with the EU.
The survey is designed as a politically neutral review of attitudes and how Black Country businesses would ultimately like to see the EU relationship develop (or not) in the future.
Businesses in the Black Country are encouraged to take a few minutes to complete an interactive version of the survey via the web link below. Completing the survey should take no longer than 8 minutes in total.
>>Survey Link:<<
If you would like a printed version of the survey please contact the WMEF team on the contact details below and a copy will be forwarded to you.
The survey is being conducted over the course of February 2015 with the final results published on Friday 18th March. All responses will be treated confidentially and the results published anonymously.
If you require any further information please contact Paul Forrest or David Hearne of the West Midlands Economic Forum via or 07703735408.
Picture caption (L-R): Ninder Johal (Black Country LEP Board member & Chamber President), Emma Reynolds MP, Margot James MP, Pat McFadden MP and Paul Forrest (West Midlands Economic Forum) at the launch of the survey Friday 22 January at Wolverhampton Science Park Visualisation Centre.
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