Consultation continues for West Midlands Combined Authority

The emerging West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) is consulting on its proposed role and functions. A survey on the WMCA website is live until 8 February 2016 and Black Country businesses and individuals are encouraged to take part and leave feedback.
The survey into the ‘Scheme’ document, which was submitted to ministers in October 2015, will help inform the government’s decision on whether it is appropriate and in the region’s best interests to formally establish a Combined Authority (WMCA) ahead of Parliament being asked to approve it.
Councillor Bob Sleigh, Chair of the WMCA’s Shadow Board, said:
"As Council Leader I believe that by working together with other authorities we have a tremendous opportunity to move powers from Whitehall to the West Midlands and our locally elected politicians who know this region best.
"Furthermore the establishment of a combined authority will allow us to work together on the issues that really matter to the people and the businesses in the West Midlands; growth, jobs, skills, transport and homes.”
For further information and to complete the consultation survey, visit the WMCA website or follow the links below:
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