Ditch the Treadmill and HIIT the Pitch this summer

A new type of high intensity interval training (HIIT) programme kicks off this summer at venues across the UK.? Play Touch Rugby League (PTRL) is aimed at men and women looking for an alternative to the gym as the warm weather encourages us to take our workouts outdoors. Today we are launching the RFL’s new video and campaign ‘Hiit The Pitch!’ On average Touch Rugby League players work at 80 per cent of their maximum heart rate in a game - amazingly the same figure as professional Rugby League players - meaning that even when you’ve finished playing your body keeps burning calories into the next day. The
sport can be played in mixed teams and is perfect for people looking for a
fun and sociable activity with most sessions offering evenings out away from
the pitch. We have players from the age of 14 all the way up to 78 playing
and last year we had 4000 people involved, including up to 50 per cent women
at sites, we are expecting to see a significant growth this year. Regular Touch Rugby League player, Lynn Hampson, 38, said: "I’d much rather run around for half an hour playing Touch Rugby League than going for a jog on my own. We have such a good laugh and it’s virtually non-contact so it’s suitable for people of all abilities. "It’s
exhilarating when you score a try or manage to tag someone, you’re so focused
on running or chasing someone that you don’t realise how much you’re moving
around!” Kurtis Marsh, who runs a PTRL competition, added: "It’s perfect sport to play outdoors, we get lots of couples playing together and people of all ages. Our focus is on the social element, so we always make sure we go for drinks afterwards and have plenty of fun during the matches.” To see Play Touch Rugby League in
action it why not check out the new HIIT THE PITCH! video: What are you waiting for, sign up online before June and you will be in with a chance to win some exciting Alcatel ONETOUCH goodies. Play Touch Rugby League is available at over 60 sites across the UK for more information visit: www.playtouchrugbyleague.co.uk -ends- |
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