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Meet the Sport Funder

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Meet the Sport Funder

Whilst nearly every community has a local sports club – do you know how you might improve or upgrade it?

Sport England are delivering 2 workshops in the Black Country on Thursday 5th September, so why not come along and meet the sport funder?

Workshop 1 - Thursday September 5th
Venue: Darlaston Town Hall, Victoria Road, Darlaston, WS10 8AA
Time: 1.30pm marketplace with the workshop commencing at 2.00pm with a 4.00pm finish

Workshop 2 - Thursday September 5th
Venue: All Saints Action Network, All Saints Road, Wolverhampton, WV2 1EL
Time: 6.30pm marketplace with the workshop commencing at 7.00pm with a 9.00pm finish

Inspired Facilities is a National Lottery investment fund and a key element of the Places People Play programme to deliver a mass participation sporting legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Through Inspired Facilities Sport England have already invested in over a thousand local community sports clubs.

We recognise that this is sport at the sharp end – the local clubs which are at the heart of many communities, and which often struggle to attract funding from bodies such as Sport England. So Sport England have designed a funding programme which will reach out to as many clubs as possible, offering relatively small capital grants which will create a big impact on the people who play sport there.

To maximise the impact of the money Sport England have, and to make applying for grants as easy as possible for clubs, a "Catalogue” has been prepared detailing many of the standard facility improvements clubs would like to make if they had funds available. This is one of several steps taken to lower the barriers to entry for clubs and lessen the burden on those who are running clubs.

Round 5 of Inspired Facilities opens on 21st October and to help local clubs the Black Country BeActive Partnership in conjunction with Sport England have arranged 2 free of charge workshops to help explain the programme and how you could apply to upgrade or improve your community sports club or local facilities.

Half an hour before the Inspired Facilities workshop starts we will have various market stalls available for you to talk to people about other funding options and programmes that may be suitable for your club.

In order to enable as many community & voluntary sports clubs to benefit from these sessions we would prefer if only one representative could attend from each organisation.

Please register by emailing Angie Sheasby, providing your name, organisation and contact details along with which session you would like to attend.


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