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New Charter to be unveiled to get many more disabled people active

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New Charter to be unveiled to get many more disabled people active

More sport and physical activity providers will be asked to commit their support to a new Charter, which aims to improve the number of active disabled people. The English Federation of Disability Sport’s Charter for Change will be unveiled by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson and Gerry Sutcliffe MP at an important occasion within the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday 24 February. The Charter outlines the key changes needed to ensure many more disabled people can reap the benefits of being active for life.

The charity’s Honorary President, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, will launch the English Federation of Disability Sport’s (EFDS) Charter for Change in an evening session also hosted by Gerry Sutcliffe MP (Chair of the Disability Sports All Party Parliamentary Group). The event will help many get out of the starting block to make real changes that will lead to many more disabled people accessing and continuing in sporting opportunities.

Calling for more providers to commit to the Charter for Change, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson said:

"Being active has so many social, health and economic benefits for everyone. So it is concerning that more organisations do not prioritise disabled people’s activity in their work. We know it is not one simple change needed to improve the continual low numbers of active disabled people. It could involve many short or long term changes. I am delighted to be a part of the Charter’s launch and hope to see more organisations commit to change.”

In January, figures released for Sport England’s Active People Survey 8 showed 121,700 fewer disabled people participated in the period October 2013-2014 since the previous recording. The main reductions were in swimming, athletics and fitness and conditioning. The gap between non-disabled and disabled people’s participation has widened, with less than half the number of disabled people taking part in sport or physical activity for 30 minutes once a week, compared to non-disabled people.

However, research shows that most disabled people are not as active as they would like to be and that demand is not being met. EFDS’s Lifestyle Report released in 2013 found that seven in ten disabled people want to increase their physical activity.

The Charter for Change is a result of EFDS and its partners’ rising concern over the low participation rates and the increased gap between disabled people's and non-disabled people’s activity. EFDS believes that everyone, especially those within Government, sport, fitness, health, third sector and media, as well as those in wider communications, have the power to change minds and increase the number of active disabled people.

Barry Horne, EFDS’s Chief Executive, said:

"Through research, we can see the obvious trends in barriers, behaviours and attitudes in sport and physical activity for disabled people. To improve participation, organisations need to firstly, address their own strategies and delivery methods, and then commit to make the changes. Showing commitment to our Charter will help to raise awareness of disabled people’s right to be active, with the long term goal to see many more active disabled people.”

Among those concerned about their own sport’s drop in disabled people taking part is the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA). The number of disabled swimming participants taking part once a week dropped by 37,000 in the past 12 months. This is a particular concern as disabled people have consistently recorded swimming as their top sport choice.

Determined that their sport will increase the number of disabled people swimming, ASA will be the first National Governing Body of sport to sign up to the Charter for Change. Their Chief Executive, Adam Paker, who will speak at the launch, said:

"Swimming is an inclusive sport with a great deal to offer disabled people of all swimming abilities as both a recreational activity and a way of enhancing health and wellbeing. It also provides an opportunity for people to compete at all levels, including on the international stage.

"Despite recent participation figures, swimming remains the most popular sport for disabled people. We are committed to working with our partners to identify and overcome any barriers to engagement to ensure that every person has the opportunity to take part in swimming and make it a habit for life.”

One in five of our nation’s population is a disabled person. As a large proportion of all communities, EFDS believes that disabled people should have every opportunity to be as active as non-disabled people. Physical activity can make a fundamental difference to disabled people’s quality of life, increase independence and benefit our economy and yet disabled people's activity levels remain low.

The Charter sets out what disabled people say they need to make this possible and outlines three asks:

1.      Everyone involved in providing sport or physical activity will support disabled people to participate.

2.      Disabled people will have the same opportunity as non-disabled people to be active throughout their lives.

3.      All communications about sport and physical activity will promote positive public attitudes towards disabled people’s participation.

For more information on the Charter and how you can commit your support, visit

Follow the hashtag #EFDSCharter on the night.





Charter for Change event:

EFDS’s Charter for Change will be unveiled on Tuesday 24 February 2015 at 5pm. The launch takes place at the Houses of Parliament. The session is hosted by Gerry Sutcliffe MP (Chair of the Disability Sports All Party Parliamentary Group) and Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson.


Interviews are available with Barry Horne, EFDS Chief Executive and Charles Reed, EFDS Chair, on Tuesday 24 February, subject to availability. Other contributors may be available upon request.


For further information, please contact:

Sarah Marl, Marketing and Communications Manager. Email Mobile: 07764 291671

For more information on EFDS please visit our website: 

Find us on Twitter @Eng_Dis_Sport, Facebook and LinkedIn


Notes to Editors:


English Federation of Disability Sport

The English Federation of Disability Sport has a vision that disabled people are active for life. EFDS is the national body for disabled people in sport throughout England. Key areas of expertise include:

·         Providing advice, guidance and information on sport for disabled people.

·         Working with partners to engage more disabled people in sport and physical activity. Partners include National Governing Bodies of sport, National Disability Sports Organisations, education networks, as well as local county sports partnerships, local authorities, disability charities and other third sector organisations.

·         Developing and rolling-out national programmes to improve access to sport and physical activity by disabled people, such as Sainsbury’s Active Kids for All Inclusive PE and Community Training

·         Providing a comprehensive calendar of participation opportunities through Disability Sport Events. These are delivered to increase the number of disabled people participating at all levels and support the identification and development of talented performers.

·         Managing the Inclusive Fitness Initiative (IFI) with a national coverage of 400 IFI Mark accredited gym facilities. The IFI Mark is fundamental in addressing inequality in physical activity; to reach inactive populations, raise awareness of the benefits of exercise and create demand. 

·         Influencing and supporting delivery partners to be more inclusive and to provide a greater range and quality of sporting opportunities for disabled people.

·         Providing a range of inclusive and high quality training opportunities to increase the number of disabled people involved in sport and physical activity.

·         Actively raising the profile of all disabled sports women and men, as well as increasing the opportunities available for disabled people to participate at all levels.

·         Fundraising to provide more opportunities through EFDS and attracting additional funds to sport for disabled people.

·         EFDS receives funding from Sport England as its national partner for disabled people in sport.


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