Recruitment of Board Chair and up to 2 Independent Board Members

Black Country Consortium Limited
Black Country BeActive Partnership Board Recruitment
Board Chair and up to 2 Independent Board Members
One of the network of County Sports Partnerships (CSPs) and uniquely placed within the governance of the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership (BCLEP), the Black Country BeActive Partnership Board is seeking to recruit a new Chair and up to 2 Independent Board Members.
Not only is the Board ensuring that the Consortium is a high performing and valued County Sports Partnership, but also driving the development of a ‘Growth Plan for Sport and Physical Activity 2015-2020’. The Growth Plan couples our need to continue to increase and sustain levels of participation and directly contributing to the BCLEP’s vision for economic growth and prosperity built on the themes of People, Place and Business.
This is an exciting yet challenging time and we require a strong and dynamic Chair to steer our future and ensure we develop the policy and co-ownership needed to deliver our plans. We are interested in business or community leaders who have a track record of Chairing Boards and whose passion for sport, physical activity is matched with a belief in integrity and accountability, improvement and change.
Our Board consists of skill and knowledge based independent Board Members along with sector representatives including National Governing Body of Sport, College, University, Private Sector and Local Authority. We are looking to strengthen the Board by the appointment of 2 additional Board Members with specific knowledge and skill sets in:
• Marketing and Communications
• Leadership and Management
Application is via the submission of an Expression of Interest and Interview. Successful applicants will bring a depth of experience meeting our Board Values of Worthiness, Innovation, Integrity, Collaboration, Professionalism, Accountability, Credibility and Efficiency. Potential Board Members should be able to take a strategic view and engage quickly with issues facing the Black Country.
These roles are not remunerated; however there is provision for out of pocket expenses. The Board meets 5 times a year as well as hosting up to 4 events a year.
Members are to be appointed by a panel, chaired by one of the independent Board Members.
If you are interested in working for the citizens of the Black Country please log on to or to download a Recruitment Information Pack and Expression of Interest Form.
Completed Expression of Interest Forms should be returned to before 5pm on 14 August 2015.
If you wish to discuss the roles further please contact Simon Hall, on 01384 471136 or via email at
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